Cross Country Bike Trip Postponed

    I have a tendency to give myself stretch goals to strive for, especially when I am very passionate about something. The cross country bike trip is a perfect example of that. I know I am capable of it and have been training very diligently for it. I have gone on 13 rides covering a total 283 miles with an average pace of 14.6 mph over the last 2 months. I still haven't gotten bike clips for my pedals and shoes which should increase my output by about 30%. I have very much enjoyed the peace and serenity I feel while biking. On my rides I switch up between listening and absorbing nature, to listening to music or an audiobook or podcast. The cross country trip is something I will do one day but after speaking with my family it is not feasible logistically next summer. It will be the first full summer after the divorce is finalized and establishing a routine for the kids has to take priority. Perhaps a few years down the line when more of a routine has been established and the kids are a bit older the trip will be possible. 

    In the meantime I am not going to let this take away any momentum. There are plenty of homeless shelters within distances that I can bike from my home. I will be planning some regional trips that I can accomplish without having to disrupt the co-parenting schedule and am excited to document some of the stories of the homeless people in the Midwest! Many homeless people use bikes as their main form of transportation and, aside from my love of biking, I feel it is very important to document and highlight what relying on a bicycle as your main form of transportation looks like. More details on these trips to come! I am going to be more disciplined about when I blog about projects moving forward. This will ensure I don't post about something until it is finalized and on the calendar.  

    Thank you for your continued support! I will continue to post updates about the work that I am doing to help the people impacted by homelessness. I recorded my first interview a few weeks ago. It was a fantastic and insightful conversation. I am working on getting the audio cleaned up to release in podcast form and I am very excited to post it. Once the editing and a few other things are handled I should be able to get a process in place to be able to post these types of stories regularly. I am excited to continue meeting homeless people and getting the privilege to learn about their experience. I have always been very interested in the lives of people who have been through difficult situations and circumstances. I learn a new perspective from each person that gives me an opportunity to speak with them and I am thrilled that you are letting me share that experience with you! 


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