We're All In This Together

     Currently there are over 12,000 Community Housing and Homeless Shelters operating in the United States according to Ibis World. Yet currently the homeless population that these organizations exist to serve is at an all time high of 653,104 people according to HUD's annual point in time report. To me this screams there is not enough collaboration and organization from these organizations, the governing bodies and the people in the communities where the shelters and homeless people reside. Housing obviously plays a very important factor and states and cities that have more expensive housing tend to have higher homeless populations. This isn't universal though as there are examples of cities that have done a good job getting people off the street that have more expensive housing. In reading about how these cities have approached tackling the issue I noticed a common theme, collaboration.

    In Topeka, Kansas housing coordinators and other local officials are bringing the community together to gather ideas from citizens instead of the issue solely falling on the local government to address. Their goal is to change the mindset of people in the city from making calls complaining about homeless people, to making calls because of concern about people impacted by homelessness. It is going to take the whole community to come together to support each other. The governing body is working to create programs based on ideas from everyone impacted on how best to support people battling homelessness. We as a people have to stop otherizing the people who have lost their homes. We need to come together to support those people and lift each other up. Only then can we make real sustained progress. 

    Homelessness is not a uniquely American problem. Across the pond in London there are many people impacted and local agencies have organized over 100 businesses, non-profits, faith & community groups to come together by establishing a charter with the goal of ending homelessness. One organization or campaign isn't going to end homelessness. It is going to take collective action from all people who have compassion and empathy for people going through difficult times. Collaborating, sharing ideas and coming together for the common good is the best way to make a real impact on homelessness. I encourage anyone who is reading this to get involved! There are always opportunities to volunteer! Call your local shelter or food bank and ask how you can support them. Contact your local government representative and encourage a collaborative approach. When you see a homeless person on the street, introduce yourself, be kind and thoughtful. Show them that you care! One act of kindness has the power to lift a persons spirits, be that person for the next homeless person you come across. Be apart of the solution!







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